Healthy Communities


The Life Time FoundationSM

School Partners
Students Served
Healthy Meals
Shaping a Future Without the Harmful 7SM

The Life Time Foundation is committed to partnering with schools to feed children healthier meals they deserve. The food being served to our kids is often filled with the Harmful 7 ingredients:

  1. Trans Fats & Hydrogenated Oils
  2. High-Fructose Corn Syrup
  3. Hormones & Antibiotics
  4. Processed & Artificial Sweeteners
  5. Artificial Colors & Flavors
  6. Artificial Preservatives
  7. Bleached Flour

When we remove the Harmful 7, we're left with what's real, whole and good. We help schools remove the Harmful 7 from the food they serve by providing grants, training and education.